Personal Projects
Hamilton Spencer May '21 - Jan '22
I made the Hamilton Spencer to expand my skillset. Designed by Paul Tazewell and sold by the Costume Industry Coalition to raise money for Broadway Artisans affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Making this jacket was a challenge as all the decorative techniques were very delicate and completely new to me, but I really enjoyed the process of learning by making this jacket.
Four Tone Corduroy Jacket Dec '20
After making her two tone corduroy jacket that she liked so much, I decided to make my sister a four tone corduroy jacket for Christmas.
Two Tone Corduroy Jacket Aug '20
After finishing my final university project in 2020, I decided to make my sister a two tone corduroy jacket as I wanted to try out making some contemporary clothing, and had a lot of time to spare!
A Dress Inspired by Game of Thrones May '17
This dress was made as the final piece of my A level Textiles coursework. Embellishment techniques included in this dress are: hand embroidery, beading, stencil printing, smocking and reverse appliqué.